Friesland Kleurt
This project consisted of a social media campaign. 
One that has been developed to spread awareness of the struggles of people
from the LGBTQI+ community.

The concept of this project was to show
members of the community their personal closet, to the world.
In this closet a personal story was shared to spread awareness of
some of the struggles someone from the community might go through.

This campaign was a great media success,
it was mentioned by several media outlets, from the likes of BNNVARA,
visit leeuwarden, PvdA Fryslân, Gaykrant, sc Heerenveen, sc Cambuur,
Omrop Fryslân, Leo Middelsé en Hart van Nederland.

In addition to that, it has also helped make Fryslân the last Rainbow province.
Because the campaign was launched during the start of the lockdown in 2020
we had to resort to an online social media campaign.

This was a incredibly challenging but rewarding journey, one that
had paid of its labor tremendously.
Aside from the promotional posters, as seen here above, a complete social media strategized campaign had been developed. 
Because of its size, this campaign had multiple parties involved,
a clear styleguide had to be developed.
Please click the images above for a extended styleguide.
Visit the icons above to see the see the campaign, 
it has been under development since and is also wearing a new jacket.
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